Built around the Lancy – Pont-Rouge railway station, the new neighbourhood consists of twenty buildings comprising residential, office and commercial space and a school. The high-performance energy solution is designed to supply the whole user base with production estimated at around 20 GWh per year.
The complex, integrated solution consists of two production plants equipped with five cooling production units connected to 300 geothermal probes 300 m deep, drilled beneath the different buildings. These plants are connected to 20 sub-stations located in each building in the neighbourhood. They provide low temperature heating (36°) for all buildings and cooling (12°) for administrative buildings. Each sub-station is equipped with a heat pump enabling an increase in the network’s temperature to produce domestic hot water (55-65°). There is also an innovative wastewater heat recovery system built into the site’s production installation.
Today, a management and supervision concept designed entirely by Bouygues Energies & Services handles the operation, maintenance and energy monitoring of the installation. This state-of-the-art technology enables the centralised management of the buildings’ heating and cooling demand in a way that responds perfectly to current energy-related and environmental requirements.