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Kummler+Matter EVT

Bouygues Construction named Top Employer again in 2020

20.04.2020Equans Switzerland AG

Bouygues Energies & Services and Losinger Marazzi have been named «Top Employers» in Switzerland for the second time in a row.


Companies receive the Top Employer certification for their dedication to putting employees at the centre of their commercial activities and offering them an outstanding work environment.


For Bouygues Energies & Services in Switzerland, the Top Employer accolade is confirmation that the company’s efforts to offer employees a good work environment and good working conditions form part of a sustainable concept that is being implemented at all levels. The recertification shows that these efforts are proving fruitful.


With the employer branding campaign «We bring ideas to life», which was launched in autumn 2019, specific measures have been taken to position Bouygues Energies & Services as a leading employer in the Swiss market and to highlight the advantages of working for a «Top Employer». In the words of Sandra Bellani, Head of HR/Marketing & Communications: «Our success is partly down to our employees applying their skills with our customers in mind. We encourage our employees to ‹think outside the box›, because only this way can we continue to bring forth new ideas and make visions a reality.»