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Kummler+Matter EVT

Bouygues E&S InTec in the Alps: to the building site by helicopter

17.03.2021Equans Switzerland AG

The Andermatt-Sedrun skiing area is getting ready for the future: large-scale infrastructure investment has been ongoing for years, including in the chair and cable car lifts. At the beginning of the 2018/19 winter season, the new cable car lift assumed operations from the Oberalppass to the Schneehüenerstock.


Schneehüenerstock hub


The actual hub of the skiing area connection between Andermatt and Sedrun was created at the approximately 2600 metre high Schneehüenerstock Mountain, where cable ways (flyer and express) converge: the Schneehüenerstock mountain station. Moreover, owing to the breathtaking view, a mountain restaurant with 222 indoor and 272 outdoor places was built. This is integrated in the mountain station.

Ventilation technology from Bouygues E&S InTec


Bouygues E&S InTec was responsible for a portion of the building technology in the Schneehüenerstock mountain station, including the restaurant. The project was handled in record time: at the end of August 2018, BYES InTec received the order and by 18 December, all of the ventilation systems had been installed. The opening of the Schneehüenerstock mountain station took place several days later, on 22 December.

Commuting with the helicopter


The Schneehüenerstock project was challenging, above all when it came to transporting the building technology to the destination. Consequently, the ventilation systems were first transported piece for piece to the Oberalppass and then by helicopter to the building site. The fitters were also occasionally brought to the building site by helicopter.

Bouygues E&S InTec in Grisons


The period preceding the winter season was exploited in Grisons to modernise the ski lifts and mountain lodges. For example, Bouygues E&S InTec installed new lighting, heating and ventilation systems in numerous buildings in Lenzerheide, Davos, Laax and Andermatt-Sedrun itself.


SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun: Facts & figures


Planned from 2009 to 2014 and under construction from 2015. Now it is complete: The SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun is the biggest skiing area in central Switzerland, combining as it does two cantons (Grisons, Uri) and covering 120 piste kilometres with 22 installations. The project was completed with the construction of the last new cable way at the start of the winter season 2018/19 after a total of ten years and investments of CHF 130 million. It was opened to the public on 22 December 2018.