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Bouygues E&S Intec signs agreement to sell Helion to AMAG Group

13.09.2022Equans Switzerland AG

Bouygues Energies & Services InTec has signed an agreement to sell its Helion division, which specialises in photovoltaics and e-mobility for consumer markets, to AMAG Group. Following this transaction, Bouygues Energies & Services will refocus on its B2B customers, supporting them in their energy transition.


In Switzerland, Bouygues Energies & Services is a market leader in building services, facilities management and energy supply technology to promote the energy transition. This transaction is taking place against the background of a stronger focus of Bouygues Energies & Services on its core business, the integral planning, development and management of commercial properties, sites and portfolios.


An important concern for Bouygues Energies & Services in the course of the negotiations is that no employees should be made redundant as a result of the sale of its Helion division. AMAG Group has met this requirement and will be taking on all Helion employees.



Integral energy solutions for the B2B market


With the sale, Bouygues Energies & Services will refocus on integrated energy solutions in the B2B market, in which the Swiss company has historically been strongly anchored. In view of the challenges raised by the energy transition for private individuals and companies, the sale of Helion will offer all parties involved excellent opportunities to offer customers in their respective market segments more solutions for saving energy and reducing CO2.


Customers of Bouygues Energies & Services and Helion will not be affected by the sale. The continuity of all ongoing projects will be assured, and implementation will be carried out according to the terms of the agreement.

Media contact

Christoph Mahlstein
Communications Manager


Förrlibuckstrasse 150
8005 Zürich


Tel. +41 44 247 41 08