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Kummler+Matter EVT

Future day 2019

22.03.2021Equans Switzerland AG

The future day is an opportunity for pupils to discover professions they may not have thought of as well as get to know various facets of the professional world. Below, a review of future day 2019, which took place throughout Switzerland on 14 November 2019, and in which pupils could discover all of the professional diversity of Bouygues Energies & Services.


From the office...


The day began with a little theory. An electrical planner explained his work to his children. Following this, two trainees, a commercial clerk and heating technician, told them something about these trained professions. The children then accompanied their parents to their workplace to find out more about their daily work and tasks. For many of them, this was their first insight into the working world. the building site


After a meal together, it was time for the little ones to become active. The pupils visited the location of EPFL, where Bouygues Energies & Services was conducting a major project: the complete renewal of the thermal infrastructure. They visited the systems and took part in workshops on the subjects of electricity, heating and ventilation, which were conducted by the apprentices and trainees of the company. The smiles on the faces of the children and adults pointed to a successful day.

The future day provides children with an opportunity to get to know the various professions at Bouygues Energies & Services. It also highlights our trainers who do tremendous work and provide our trainees with the opportunity to pass on what they have learnt.

Barbara ROULET, coordinator for vocational training

Zurich and Zug

Punctually at 8.00 a.m., the future day kicked off with 18 children. Giuseppe SPARTANO, project manager electrics, introduced the company and our trained professions to the children. The children themselves could take an active part and talked about their own dream professions. At 9.00 a.m. it was time for the morning snack, which everyone appreciated.
Everyone gets involved
At 9.30 a.m., we began with our learning circuit. The learning circuit ran through four trades (ICT, security, electrics and heating). The little ones were pleased to be able to take part themselves. In the ICT department, they were able to take part in disassembling a PC themselves, welding in the heating department, observe functions controlled via a tablet in security and of course do some installation themselves with an electrician. From 11.30 a.m., it was time to visit the workplace of their parents and something more about their everyday life. In the area of Facility Management, the children in Zurich were able to enjoy the roof of the prestigious building Prime Tower and the wonderful view of Zurich and visit a carpentry shop in Zug.


Last Wednesday, it was future day in Ticino as well. Three adolescents aged 13 had the opportunity to accompany their parents at work for a whole day. The pupils were able to get to know the profession of their parents, the working environment and their colleagues, the company reality and all the professions that Bouygues and Kummler+Matter have to offer.


Superlative building site visit


The pupils visited one of the biggest building sites in Ticino, the "Campus in Lugano" on this day, which was organised by the administrative assistant Samanta OLIVIERI. They had the opportunity there to perform several handicraft tasks themselves. Conclusion Parents and children were all happy; at the end of the day, two of the three boys stated that they could imagine following the profession of their father some day.


Thanks to everyone, who helped to make this day something special for the children. We are already looking forward to future day 2020!