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Kummler+Matter EVT

Home game at the champion’s

18.02.2021Equans Switzerland AG

When the reigning Swiss champion issues an order, a championship performance is obviously called for. Bouygues Energies & Services of the Bern region is proud to have installed a cold water immersion pool in the changing room section of the Wankdorf Stadium of the Berner Sport Club Young Boys. Cold water immersion is a therapeutic measure for regenerating muscles after top sporting performance. It is being used more and more often in elite sport. Thanks to the improved circulation of the muscles as a result of the cold water bath, the metabolism is activated and the professionals need considerably less time to regenerate after intensive stresses.


The cold water pool was installed in place of the existing whirlpool and is connected to a 500-litre water tank. The tank is supplied by the cold water system installed in the underground garage. The heat of the pool is released to a cold water network by means of a plate heat exchanger. The procedure in installing the cold water pool was a new, instructive experience in a not quite everyday working environment for the Bern region employees. Due to the delays in delivery of the cold water system as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the installation time available was extremely short. Consequently, the cold water system and cold water tank were installed on the same day. The installation and insulation of the pipes for the cold transfer media took two days. The system could thus be put into operation on schedule on 5 June, together with the partners involved in the project, after an installation period of only four days.


Bouygues Energies & Services in the Bern region wishes the players of the BSC Young Boys good recuperation in the new cold water pool and heartily congratulates them on winning the championship once again.