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Kummler+Matter EVT

QP mock exams in February 2023

17.03.2023Equans Switzerland AG

In order to prepare our trainees as effectively as possible for the qualification process, we run mock exams in all of our regions. These are aimed at making trainees aware of the time factor and preparing them as well as we possibly can for their theory and practical exams. We held another intensive study week with a similar focus in February 2023.

Jura Südfuss region

In preparation for the qualification procedure (QP), an internal QP mock exam was held for all trainees in the Jura Südfuss region who are due to sit the QP in 2023.  


Four electricians and six assembly electricians were put through their paces in a five-day mock exam. 




The main aim of this mock was to show the trainees what to expect in the final exam. We believe it is important for them to be aware of the time pressure they will be under, and that they learn how to go about solving the individual tasks. The trainees went over the written exam closely for two days and practised practical tasks three days.




We observed that almost all of the trainees have not yet mastered time management. They underestimate the scale of the tasks and realise too late that time is running out.  


For our part, this means checking that our practical instructors on construction sites are giving trainees time specifications for tasks. Doing this means that they learn to gauge the scope of the task correctly and can prepare themselves as well as possible for the QP.

Ticino region

Preparation for practical exams for assembly electricians and electrical installers at Bouygues Energies & Services, Ticino. A first simulation of the practical exam was held in Ticino in the first two weeks of February. The apprentices were split into two groups and given the opportunity to demonstrate their practical skills.




The goal was to give our final-year apprentice assembly electricians and electrical installers an idea of their progress. Time management, organisational skills, proper working methodology and the correct use of tools are all essential in order to achieve promotion.


At the end of the mock practical exam, the apprentices had a better idea of their limitations and weaknesses, and what they need to work on to achieve their end goal – promotion.




Over the course of two and a half days, they replicated an electrical control panel as if it were the final exam. Apprentices were shadowed and advised by professional trainers throughout. The final assessment by our in-house experts was much appreciated by the students. Their work was inspected and every single part analysed with a clear and precise explanation.




Every apprentice valued the exercise.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved in the organisation and implementation of the simulation exam. Many thanks to everyone.

Schlieren trainee workshop

Mock run-throughs of the written QP and the final exams (e.g. in professional tasks) were held at our trainee workshop in Schlieren. These were attended by trainees from the regions of Zurich, Zurich North and Aargau, all of whom work in the electrical sector (Swiss VET-accredited electrician, Swiss VET-accredited assembly electrician).




The objective of test run was to show the trainees their level of knowledge and their individual strengths and weaknesses with regard to the final written exam, and to see which areas require more work.




Our trainees sat the mock written exam on 13 February 2023. On the following day, the examinations were corrected and discussed together with the trainees. The section on professional expertise was also simulated orally.


Head of Vocational Training Bajram Jasari then showed the trainees which aspects of the real exam to focus on in order to pick up as many points as possible.




Thanks to the mock exam, the trainees are now more aware of how important time is in the written exam and the areas in which further improvement is required to ensure that they pass the QP.

I think the preparation for the QP is very useful, as it gives me an idea early on of the areas where I need to catch up.

East region, St. Gallen

Trainees were prepared for the final oral exam for the QP in St. Gallen. There was a particular focus on the low-voltage installation standards (NIN).




To help the trainees learn as effectively as possible, key points were repeated and any areas of uncertainty were looked at straight away and explained to the group. The aim was for the trainees to be familiar with all the important aspects of NIN by the end of the preparation.


Topics covered


The preparation sessions covered the following topics in depth:

  • Disconnecting and switching
  • General conditions
  • Cables
  • Other equipment
  • Fault current circuit breakers
  • Ordinance on Electrical Low-Voltage Installations (Niederspannungs-Installationsverordnung, NIV)
  • Ordinance on Low-Voltage Electrical Equipment (Verordnung über elektrische Niederspannungserzeugnisse, NEV)