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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Servitude management

15.12.2021Equans Switzerland AG

Bouygues E&S EnerTrans Ltd. will manage and renew the servitude contracts of the national grid company Swissgrid throughout Switzerland for the next five years.

A string length of around 6700 kilometres, around 12000 pylons and 146 switchgear stations: this is how the Swiss extra-high voltage grid is made up. The national grid company Swissgrid is responsible for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance, as well as the renewal and expansion. This also includes securing the rights and obligations to use the land on which the infrastructure is located. These are set out in more than 60 000 servitude contracts.


EnerTrans was able to secure the mandate to manage and renew these contracts in a public tender for the period 2021 - 2025.


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