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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Warning: false purchase orders

19.07.2022Equans Switzerland AG

Warning: false purchase orders in the name of Bouygues Construction and its subsidiaries are circulating... Attempted fraud via false purchase orders is on the increase.  To better protect yourself, adopt the following reflexes:


  • Check the email address used by your contact, which must end with


  • In case of doubt, or upon receipt of a fraudulent request, always contact your regular contact person or via the contact form on this site. (for information, all the victims of fraud or scam were never referenced suppliers/subcontractors but third parties, without a "regular contact person" to turn to).

Questions? Contact us!

Please send us your enquiry or question using the form below. We will be happy to contact you shortly by e-mail or telephone. 

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