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WeLink event Basel March 2022

12.04.2022Equans Switzerland AG

At Bouygues Energies & Services Switzerland, the women's network “WeLink”, one of the few women's networks in the construction industry, has been in place for two years. For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, women were able to meet up in person to share ideas at an event held in Basel. The aim of the network is to support female employees in their development and promotion within the Bouygues Energies & Services Group and to raise awareness among young women about possible careers in the construction sector.

Due to the corona virus measures, last year’s meetings could only take place virtually. The Bouygues Energies & Services women's network WeLink Switzerland was finally able to meet physically for the first time at the beginning of March 2022. The chosen location was Arlesheim near Basel, which is where the network was founded in 2020 by Maike Stoetmann, Patrizia Fanelli, Katja Jäger and Doruntina Halimi. After a warm welcome from Marco Schmuck, Managing Director of the Basel region, Maike Stroetmann, Head of BIM and CAD and Katja Jäger, Head of Marketing & Communications, to thirty plus women who had travelled from all over Switzerland, the participants experienced their first highlight of the evening: Marloes Fischer. The founder of two companies, gave an exciting lecture on circular economy, addressing a topic that is being discussed extensively in the news at this time. In her inspiring talk, she spoke about the motivations and challenges of becoming an entrepreneur after years of employment at various international companies and how she came to start two companies at the same time that support companies with circular economy. The second part of the evening provided the opportunity for in-depth networking while getting to know colleagues from other departments, locations and regions. 

WeLink was created in 2013 as one of Bouygues Construction's first business networks in France to promote the role of female leaders in business, particularly in the construction sector. In 2016, Bouygues Construction and WeLink signed a partnership agreement with the Elles Bougent (Women on the Move) association to raise awareness among young women about careers in the construction industry. Currently, more than 800 female workers are active members of WeLink in the 60 countries where the group operates. WeLink responds to the need for exchange and dialogue and complements the Group's actions to promote gender diversity. Every year, WeLink organises lectures, coaching sessions and co-development workshops.

The 3 goals of the WeLink network:

  • Contribute to increasing the share of women in the construction sector

  • Support the career advancement of women at Bouygues Energies & Services

  • Increase the attractiveness and efficiency of the Group by improving the gender balance in its teams