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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Waste disposal & recycling

Bouygues Energies & Services in cooperation with its waste disposal partner can offer the landlord along with the tenants cost advantages in disposal and transport costs and investments. We aim to handle waste and recyclable materials in a timely, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly manner.

As a comprehensive waste disposal service provider, we take care of the transport of your goods, whether household garbage, paper, cardboard or garden waste. We naturally also provide all kinds of collection and container systems. Apart from separating and disposing of waste and recyclables, we can also record, evaluate and analyse the waste and recyclable quantities if desired to show you cost-reduction options, for example.


As a recycling pioneer, Bouygues Energies & Services is constantly on the lookout for innovative, environmentally-friendly and cost-saving solutions. Our goal is to keep as much as possible in the circular economy. To do so, we make use of the latest technologies and proven specialists.